Friday, February 9, 2007

Allan Coman- first session 10.2.07

Constructivist vs Behavourist Education
Adelaide Declaration
Blooms Taxonomy

Constructivist Education ... current (post industrial?) teaching model. More industrial model was ‘behaviourist’.

Old model in Australia was behaviourist. Teacher at the front. Kids receptacles of information. Information to be regurgitated in tests and exams. Success dependent on memorizing information.

A Constructivist model should not be single focus. Maybe circle desks. Model of education where student constructs own understanding.

Constructively problem solve, gather info. Find solutions. Not just an individual, but social interaction. Problem solve with others. Social interaction.
Importance of place. Physical construction of area/env.

“zone of proximal development”- Vygotzy. Starting point for learning. Everyone at a different starting point.

Eg. Project: make hydrogen. In behaviorist, all materials and instruction given. Everyone does same experiment. In constructivist, kids get in groups of 3 or 4 and together research how to make Hydrogen, Many different ways to achieve same result. All groups have different solutions. Individuals in teams have different skills and contribute .


1.Adelaide declaration on national goals for schooling in the 21st century. Ideal.
Why isn’t it at the beginning of every teaching manual Why not plastered on every wall.
Is is what SHOULD be the guiding ideal of every teadcher.

A declaration is a guiding light (eg declaration of independence in US) Always go back to declaration to seek clarity, resolve, grounding , inspiration etc.

2.Each state generated own framework for learning in schools. All states different. QLD was best, followed by nsw . wa a shambles.

3.‘quality teaching”

-approach based on socio- cultural perspectives recognize that children need to be active participants in their learning and this is associated w more positive outcomes in contrast w teacher directed and highly structured models.

4.In QLD they have pushed ‘productive pedagogy’as their approach.
-problem based learning
-higher order thinking
-deep understanding
All this is classic Blooms.

Blooms taxonomy
Also look at Gardener. The 9 intelligences.

Deep thinking comes from CRITICAL REFLECTION.
3 level s- districriptive, self, critical
Blooms taxonomy. Images. Google. 6 levels of thinking

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