Aim is to manage every child. Classroom management. Setting the scene so riots do not occur. Every day you can go without shouting ads up your credit....
What are they seeking, what do they want. If you are adressing their needs, you will have a satisfied class.
Maximise learning of higher order. If that focus is lost, you are doomed.
We as teachers
"The Art of War"by a chinese bloke is excellent ammunition and reccommended reading.
What kind of students do you have? The millenials or Generation Y A whole lot of general characteristics.
What are the 18-26 year olds like?....
Expectations of Generation Y
1.Provide challenging work that really matters.
2. Balance clearly delegated assignments with the freedom and flexibility to produce results in their own way.
3. Offer increasing responsibility as a reward for accomplishments
4.Spend time getting to know staff memgers and their capabilities.
5. Provideongoing training and learning opportunities.
6. Establish mentoring relationships
7. Create a comfortable low stress work environment
8. Allow some flexible scheduling
9. Be personable and joke around with the staff, while still getting the job done.
10.Balance the role of Boss with team player
11.Treat them as colleagues not as interns assistant or teenagers
12. Be respectful and call forth respect in return..
13. Consistently provide constructive feedback. (Hattie- single most important ingredient for higher performance)
14. Let them know when they have done a good job.
Fundamental difference in Generation Y's. From year 10 down they are fundamentally different. They all have ipods and mobiles.We've got to accept that. Brain function is actually different. Way neurons connect is different. They hate to do one thing at a time. Perhaps leading to superficial learning. Ability to network is fundamental- a real driver. Therefore you have to give them the opportunity to multi task in the classroom.
Spellcheck, calculator etc. Get them to use it appropriately. Not disturbing class, but sms's now and then ok.
Emerging characteristics...Living in virtual worlds.
Must know who you are teaching. Must be able to reach them
Realize that i ama a digital immigrant and they are digital natives.
Realize that i am generation x and most of my student will be generation y.
years 7-10 25% of students are absent. and 50% are regularly absent. So 50% out of 4 years of school are only there for 2 years. This is just public schools. Unemployable etc.
Solution being put forward is back to basics approach. This is rubbish. Must have students engaged in learning process. Changing curriculum is irrelevant. People by the age of 7 are aware they are going to fail.
But even now in Kindy, you can get an E.
Drive to private education system. State system in ten years will be where you can go if you can't go anywhere else. The proboems are social. Family, school culture etc. Must give teachers greater sense of responsibilty and autonomy.
What is Finland doing right?