Thursday, March 1, 2007

Methods of Teaching 2.3.07

Methods of Teaching
Labour establishing national curriculum to remedy the situation of australian students doing so poorly, in contrast to students from os. esp singapore

nsw doing better than most. However not creating students thinking at higher levels.

must train students to learn at higher levels. Bloom's Technology.
applying to new situations in creative ways.

What are the methods and techniques required to synthesize, analyze. Best way to learn something is to teach it. Look at the jigsaw method in particular.
- one metho
Better to learn core at depth, rather than specializing in heaps of content.
Certain content at great depth.
Students like subjects best where there is core depth. Labour proposes National Curriculum Board to put this into practise.

Make sure you have a copy of the syllabus printed off. From Board of Studies site.
Support documents. For teachers, parents etc

Go back to teaching quality document and find your subject. Then go to Adelaide declaration, find your area of specialization

mceetya commonwealth body, and find documents related to your subject.Describes skills knowledge and understanding children should have at different ages.

Look at particular techniques and documents, and how you do it in practice.


Why should we have a National Curriculum. Because standards are slipping. Problem at least is identified. Finland is always at the higher level at largest numbers. Also best performing country in ENGLISH. Korea
Not educating students to anallyze synthesize evaluate apply and come up with creative solutions.
Aim of this course is to be able to engage students at higher level.
PISA-testing program done in 26 countries to test performance of students96-04 Still in top 4 or 5. Number of people in higher academic realms has dropped.
Why are more people drawn to steiner schools, independent schools and catholic high schools (not catholic primary - they're apparently totallly boring).Because they are CREATIVE

Solid grounding in English maths, science and history and ict-information and communications technoloy. Labour party goals. Are they saying anything about learning at a higher level.? Yes.
The document refers to the future and the knowledge economy.
Now people are talking about a CREATIVE economy. The flaw in Labours policy is they've missed the next step in talking about knowledge rather than creative.
Are the other party advocating a national curriculum. However there seems to be no document re liberal party document re education

Analyze paper from
Identify educational theories
Step 1 Jigsaw
Step2 Think pair share. Firstly on own analyzing. When talking to someone else synthesizing into your own understanding. Sharing is forming a judgement. Then apply- how does this affect, how can i put this into practice in my class.Judgement- what is right and wrong...especially when we come from a steiner perspective. CRITICAL REFLECTION.It is good because...It is bad Evaluation statements

As outlined in the Weekend Australian March 3-4 2007, by Judith Wheeldon

I agree that the policy of having a national curriculum, is possibly a good start.
A great deal to do with it's success would be how intelligent the national curriculum is.
I agree that language is radically important. How wonderful if language would
It is not what is taught, it's how it's taught. There is little point in having a national science curriculum if most of the class is falling asleep. Therefore i agree with Wheeldon when she says a strong science curriculum suported by qualified specialist teachers would make a significant and positive change in australia.I also agree that finding and educating these teachers will be the challenge.
Wheeldon's statement:'Solid acheivment by all is built by many teachers', could not be more true. Reflecting on my own education, it was the teacher that could make it or break it. Even subjects i thought i didn't like came to life when the teacher was inspiring, respectful, and led the class in their own research and voyage of discovery.
So this
My feeling is that there is no magic in it. no special ingredient that brings life to education. The focus is all on being brainy, with no emphasis on creativity, practical, lateral thinkers and problem solvers....Intellect is seen as the highest goal. It is good that it is recognized that the outcome of a good student is not a result of high school alone or a few good teachers...That it is recognized as beginning from the start at kindy all the way through to year 12.
There seems to be nolateral thinking, no wisdom in it.
It is bad that it is only the academic results of a nation are taken into account as how well their education system is faring. How do you evaluate a society? Is happiness something that should come into it? What about a well-rounded wholesome person? What about people who know how to lead and take responsibility for themselves, their communities and their environments?

new directions for our schools Mark Latham wrote 90% of the document. Labour Party policy for education.
The Australian Government needs an Education Revolution

nsw is ahead because of the huge range of support documents for teachers.
He put us into a zone of proximal development by throwing us into the deep end.
Teacher could have just given us that article to begin this.

Always have teacher establish groups.

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